Cleaning with a meaning

At FacilityBee, everything is about lasting relationships. With our facility services, we are part of something bigger. We are proud of that. We cherish the bond of trust we have built with our customers and employees. Because this bond is the foundation of FacilityBEE’s success.

Bee Clean
Bee Scent
Bee Sustainable
Bee Eco

schoonmaakbedrijf in amsterdam

Cleaning services

For FacilityBee, cleaning is so much more than just good cleaning. For us, the mission is to create the optimal basis for all your business activities. Schoonmaken met een betekenis, noemen we dat.

Interested in our other services?

Home cleaning service

Could you use some extra hands in the household? With our ButlerBuddy service, we help you reclaim time and get a better handle on your household. Our domestic P.A.’s are screened and insured against claims. You can find more information on the ButlerBuddy website.

schoonmaakbedrijf in amsterdam

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